Ocean Discovery uses local coastal ecosystems as platforms to engage young people in science. You can use these links to brush up on your knowledge so you can answer student questions!
Quick links:
- Wetlands (2nd and 5th Grade)
- Kelp Forests (1st and 4th Grade)
- Tide Pools (Kinder and 3rd Grade)
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Learn more:
- What is a wetland? (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Coast Wetlands (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
- San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
- Info on field trip location (Sweetwater Marsh unit)
Kelp Forests
Learn more:
- What is a kelp forest? (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Kelp Forests: A Description (NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries)
- Kelp Forest (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
- “Take a Virtual Dive in the Kelp Forest” Video (California Academy of Sciences)
- Why does the ocean have waves? (NOAA National Ocean Service)
Local University Research Labs:
Tide Pools
Learn more:
- What is a tide pool? (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- What is the intertidal zone? (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- The Rocky Shore (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
- Tide Pool Animal Identification (California Tide Pools)
- San Diego Tide Pooling Spots! (California Tide Pools)