Become An Ocean Leader
As Ocean Leaders, students will embody leadership, learn about careers, and believe they can attend college. This program starts the summer before 9th grade, with a 12-day Bridge program where you learn about science and go on an overnight camping trip. During this 4-year program, students will learn how to get to college and what careers in science look like. That’s right; we support you the entire time you are in high school and beyond. We don’t stop believing in our students. The following summer, students learn to swim and snorkel, have the opportunity to visit Mexico, interact with sea life, and learn about incredible research projects. In the following years, they continue learning how to be a leader in the community and then go off and make a difference in the world. Our program is at NO COST to you!
Como Ocean Leaders, los estudiantes encarnarán el liderazgo, aprenderán sobre carreras y creerán que pueden asistir a la universidad. Este programa comienza el verano antes del noveno grado, con un programa Bridge de 12 días en el que aprende sobre ciencias y realiza un viaje de campamento. Durante este programa de 4 años, los estudiantes aprenderán cómo son las carreras en ciencias. Así es; te apoyamos todo el tiempo que estés en la escuela secundaria y más. No dejamos de creer en nuestros alumnos. El siguiente verano, los estudiantes aprenden a nadar, tienen la oportunidad de visitar México, y aprender sobre increíbles proyectos de investigación. En los años siguientes, continúan aprendiendo cómo ser un líder en la comunidad y marcan la diferencia en el mundo. ¡Nuestro programa es SIN COSTO!
Ocean Leader Testimonials
I liked the OL Bridge Program because everyday we did something different. We went on many field trips and it was so much better than staying home. We got to learn and hang out with our friends while exploring new things. This summer I am excited to snorkel and see fish under the water. – Mia
My favorite part of the Ocean Leader Bridge program was learning about and using drones. I thought that was cool. I am very excited to swim with a whale shark this summer in the Ocean Leader Intro to Research Program. -Alexandra
Something I enjoyed about the Ocean Discovery’s Intro to Research program was how I got to bond with other students. Working with them as a team and creating new friend as I learned about the science discovery process was great. -Alejandro