During this unit students are able to explore climate resiliency in relation to plants in their community.
Platform: Climate Resiliency in our Community
NGSS Alignment
Cross-Cutting Concepts:
- Observing patterns
- Structure and function
- Understanding cause and effect
Science & Engineering Practices:
- Asking questions
- Constructing explanations
- Obtaining, evaluating, & communicating information
STEM Discovery Process: Explore & Wonder, Investigate, Analyze & Interpret, Communicate & Review, Make a Difference
Unit Summary
Students will study the different types of plants native to San Diego and predict what could happen to them in the future as climate changes.
In the classroom, students build community by taking a science interest quiz and then learn about drought-deciduous and evergreen native plants and how they could react to climate change.
At Cabrillo National Monument, students will investigate native plants by conducting transects throughout the park. At Ocean Discovery’s Living Lab, students will analyze this data and practice how to communicate what they have learned.
Building Community – Classroom
Exploring – Cabrillo National Monument
- Curriculum
- Cabrillo Transect Video:
Make a Difference – Living Lab