
Headshot of Shara Fisler

Shara Fisler
Executive Director  & Founder

Headshot of Emily Aguilar

Emily Aguilar
Programs Coordinator

Headshot of Nalleli Arriaga, Volunteer and Events Coordinator.

Nalleli Arriaga
Volunteer and Event Coordinator

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumna, Class of 2011

Sadia Ashraf headshot

Sadia Ashraf
Teaching Fellow

Cheyenne Avila headshot

Cheyenne Avila
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Carolina Barraza

Carolina Barraza
Leadership Program Manager

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumna, Class of 2007

Headshot of Joel Barkan

Joel Barkan
Education Manager

Kasey Bisceglia headshot

Kasey Bisceglia
Teaching Fellow

Finnegan Bly headshot

Finnegan Bly
Teaching Fellow

Massielle Brown Mendola headshot

Massielle Brown-Mendola
Instructional Coach

Headshot of Carla Camacho

Carla Camacho
Manager of Business Development

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumna, Class of 2007

Headshot of Antonio Cerecedo Figueroa

Antonio Cerecedo Figueroa
Communications Manager

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumnus, Class of 2009

Headshot of Christina Contreras

Christina Contreras
Program Specialist, College & Career

Headshot of Anne Correia

Anne Correia
Manager of Business Development

Danielle DiMarco headshot

Danielle DiMarco
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Nahum Erigo 

Nahum Erigo 
Financial & Data Assistant

Kayleigh Fisher 
Teaching Fellow

Reyna Guevara
Recruitment and Enrollment Specialis

Headshot of Isabel Herrera

Isabel Herrera
Program Coordinator

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumna, Class of 2011

Headshot of Jennifer Jacques

Jennifer Jacques
In-School Program Manager

A person with shoulder-length hair and a beaming smile stands in front of a vibrant bush adorned with bright orange flowers. They wear a blue top and a black cardigan, appearing joyful and radiant in the sunlight.

Melissa Katigbak
Program Development Specialist


Headshot of Alexa Labaun

Alexa Labaun
Program Coordinator

Headshot of Christian Macedo

Christian Macedo
Facilities Operations Coordinator

Headshot of Lindsay McKay

Lindsay McKay
Associate Director

Headshot of Elvia Meza

Elvia Meza
Director of Finance & Administration

Headshot of Jeri Nolan

Jeri Nolan
Program Development Specialist

Kimmi Perkins headshot

Kimmi Perkins
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Stacy Prater-Vigil

Stacy Prater-Vigil
Leadership Coach

Headshot of MacKenzie Sandy

MacKenzie Sandy
Director of Philanthropy

Headshot of Norma Santos

Norma Santos
Community Outreach and Recruitment Specialist

Wendolyn Serrano Leal headshot

Wendolyn Serrano Leal
Teaching Fellow

Stacey Saucedo 
Teaching Fellow

Moueez Shah headshot

Moueez Shah
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Ameena Smith

Ameena Smith
Program Coordinator

Headshot of Angel Soria

Angel Soria
Program Coordinator

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumnus, Class of 2008

Headshot of Susan Tillman

Susan Tillman
Director of People and Culture

Headshot of Jo Vance

Jo Vance
Program Manager

Ruth Varner headshot

Ruth Varner
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Veronica Varela Johnson

Veronica Varela Johnson
Grants Manager

Grace Whitten headshot

Grace Whitten
Teaching Fellow

Headshot of Jose Zuñiga

Jose Zuñiga
Office Manager

Ocean Discovery Institute Alumnus, Class of 2008