Food and Supply Distribution
Ocean Discovery is here to support the community of City Heights in the following ways. Teachers, please help us spread the word to your students and their families!
As of March 23rd, we are:
- Distributing meals to youth ages 2-18
- Distributing age-appropriate education supplies that will be theirs to use at home during this time
- Providing technology training to support students with new online learning platforms
Who: All City Heights families with youth 2-18 are welcome. Families do not need to be Ocean Discovery members.
When: 3:00pm – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
Where: Ocean Discovery’s Living Lab, 4255 Thorn Street
Safety is our first priority. Ocean Discovery is taking extra precautions and adhering to all CDC guidelines for meal distribution. We ask that if you are ill, share a home with someone who is ill, or have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to the Living Lab. If you are ill, you may send a representative or family member to pick up food for you. All participants must adhere to 6 feet social distancing. If possible, please send one representative from your family to pick up meals to minimize the number of people present at one time.
Click here for a letter you can send to families about this resource (in English and Spanish).
Distance Learning Resources
We have complied a variety of resources and tools that we hope will help as you navigate teaching science through distance learning. Click on your grade level for a list of these resources.
Tools for all Educators:
- NOAA Ocean Today Webinars
- Provides information to teachers on the Ocean Today video series that is designed specifically for students.
- Teaching Climate Resources
- NOAA Climate resources for teaching about climate and energy.
- NOAA Education at Home Full Guide
- Full list of NOAA Education resources. Many individual activities and videos listed for your grade level were pulled from this guide, but there are many more options to explore!
Tech Training for Families
Ocean Discovery Institute has created this YouTube channel to support students and families with new distance learning. Teachers, please help us spread the word to your students and their families!
Ocean Discovery Hoover Cluster Tech Training YouTube Channel
We look forward to creating more videos as we continue to learn more about student distance learning and technology needs. We will be uploading videos frequently, so please check back in regularly for more learning and technology resources!
The following videos are currently available in English and Spanish:
- Introduction and Mission of Ocean Discovery and YouTube Channel
- Introduction to Cox Connect2Compete
- Longer Step-by-Step Cox Connect2Compete
- For Parents: How to get a Gmail Account
- SDUSD Tech Resources Directory
- Google Classroom Full Introduction and Accessing Assignments
- Canvas Full Introduction and Accessing Assignments
- SeeSaw Full Introduction and Accessing Assignments
- How to Apply to P-EBT